Saturday, December 24, 2011

Une petite surprise pour Noël ?

Oui un concours !

Le semestre commence par un petit exercice de projet de 6 semaines !!!!!

Site : The Wells Lamson Quarry in East Barre, Washington, Vermont, États-Unis
"Modern lifestyles are made possible by industries throughout the world, but we take them for granted. The natural world is transformed by industry, particularly those that extract raw materials and resources from the land.
What happens when industry leaves substantial marks on the earth?
The charge is to design a building complex for an institution devoted primarily to visual, literary, landscape and performing artists, engaging the site in a significant way commensurate with the size, scale and emotional impact of the quarry."
The project will comprise 4 program elements:
• An Educational Pavilion
• Artists Studios
• Artists Residences
• A Memorial

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